Full Name
What is your AUM?
Below ₹50 crore
₹50 crore – ₹100 crore
₹100 crore – ₹150 crore
₹150 crore-₹200 crore
₹200 crore-₹250 crore
Above ₹250 crore
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What is your primary business goal for the next 12 months?
Increase AUM
Improve client retention
Attract more HNI/UHNI clients
Expand into new markets
What is your biggest barrier to achieving your AUM growth goals?
Attracting new HNI/UHNI clients
Retaining existing clients
Optimising operations and team performance
Lack of effective marketing strategies
How confident are you in your current client acquisition strategies?
Not confident at all
Somewhat confident
Confident, but room for improvement
Very confident
How do you currently differentiate yourself from your competitors?
Offering personalised service to HNI/UHNI clients
Providing advanced investment strategies
Leading in operational efficiency and technology
I'm unsure how to differentiate
How willing are you to invest ₹2,75,000 plus GST to scale your business and break the ₹250 crore AUM barrier?
I’m fully committed and prepared to invest
I’m prepared to invest but would like to discuss further details
I’m open to the investment but require more clarity on the expected ROI
I recognise the value, but would need a flexible payment plan
How ready are you to make a decision during the consultation call if the solution meets your needs?
I’m fully prepared to make a decision during the call
I’m likely to decide during the call if the offer aligns well with my objectives
I may need additional time after the call to make a decision
How satisfied are you with your team’s current performance?
Very unsatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Satisfied, but needs improvement
Very satisfied
Do not have a team
What is your current client retention rate?
Below 50%
Above 90%
Are you currently facing competition from bank RMs or other wealth managers?
Yes, frequently losing clients to them
Occasionally, but it’s manageable
No, not a concern
Are you currently experiencing operational inefficiencies that are limiting your growth?
Yes, we need help with team productivity
Yes, we need help with streamlining processes
No, we are operating efficiently
How experienced are you in managing UHNI (Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individual) clients?
No experience
Limited experience, but looking to grow (Under 1 year)
Moderate experience (Under 3 years)
Extensive experience (Above 3 years)
How effective is your current marketing strategy in attracting HNI/UHNI clients?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Effective, but could be improved
Very effective, bringing consistent results
Are you the final decision-maker for investments in your business?
Yes, I make all decisions
I share decisions with a business partner
I consult with my team before making final decisions
I report to a higher authority for approval
How satisfied are your HNI/UHNI clients with your services?
Very satisfied
Satisfied, but room for improvement
Somewhat unsatisfied
Unsure of their satisfaction level